Which Heat Sealer Do You Need For Your Business?
If you are in the process of looking for packaging materials for your products, you might be researching possible materials you can buy to seal packages so that food stays fresh and that multi-quantity packages stay together. You can tightly seal products with one of several kinds of impulse sealers on the market. But you would like to know that which one would be the best for your situation.
Before choosing an impulse sealer for your production phase, you should first determine the rate of production that you are planning on producing of your product, as well as how thick your plastic wrap is or how thick you would like it to be. Each of the four types of impulse sealers operates at different production rates and a certain thickness of plastic.
Hand Sealer
For a slow rate of production and small products to seal, a hand sealer will be the sealer to purchase. Hand sealers rely on only one worker to seal one package at a time using this small, yet handy tool. The worker presses down on where he or she wants to seal his wrapper, and he or she presses down on the arm to fuse the two ends of the wrapper together with heat. Many hand sealers are also portable and work by moving the sealer across the edge of the plastic as it seals. This is great to have for products sold at a general store, or a couple of stores around town, but look to other sealers for businesses that require larger production. Hand sealers can also seal many more materials other than plastic.
Foot Sealer
A foot sealer can produce seals faster than a hand sealer can, and is capable of sealing larger or heavier products. This device is rather a small machine that operates with a press of a foot pedal. Many foot sealers can create stronger seals than hand sealers, and a worker is capable of sealing two small products at once for an increase in productivity. If you are looking to produce slightly more products, or produce products more frequently than with a hand sealer, the foot sealer can be helpful.
Auto Sealer
For higher production rates than man-powered sealers, auto impulse sealers are ones that you want to consider if you are planning high to mass production of your product or products. These sealers are to operate from a table’s surface and feature a time seal for many seals in a single session, opposed to a worker working on one seal at a time. The worker only needs to press a button or switch and the auto sealer can seal up to 50 packages in a minute. There is a caveat to an auto sealer, which is that due to the sealer working for an extended period of time producing heat, the machine can overheat and will require some time to cool down before it is okay to use again.
Band Sealer
Band sealers are machines can seal product at the fastest rate, thanks to the help of a conveyor that this sealer comes with. There are horizontal and vertical band sealers that either offer sealing when packaging is on its side or upright. There is no real difference between horizontal and vertical band sealers, although vertical band sealers are capable of sealing liquid (perhaps if you are packaging frozen treats like freeze pops). These machines can seal plastic at custom lengths, so products can be sealed on their own regardless of the size of the package you want. Band sealers can also seal the thickest of plastics possible.