Purchase Clear Display Container Online
Whether you are a small business owner or a large retail company, the display and protection of products is important to consider during the development of the marketing plans. One of the best ideas is the PVC box which is clear in color and designed to be easy to ship and simple to use. It can be ordered in bulk from qualified suppliers that specialize in this type of product and can be used with items of all shapes and sizes.
Using a clear display box provides protection from little hands, makes it easier to stack on a display shelf and cuts down on marketing costs because shoppers can easily see exactly what is inside. For small business owners who are just getting started and have a tight budget, this is an affordable solution for shipping products to customers in a safe and protected manner.
PVC and PET boxes are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes from small squares to tall rectangles so that they can house just about anything from food to Christmas ornaments. For an extra touch, customers can order a gold or silver base that goes at the bottom of the box as an additional ‘flair’ to the packaging.
All boxes are delivered flat to make it easier and more cost effective but assembly is very quick to ensure that business efficiency is maintained. The key to the box is the locking design on the bottom for carrying weight and a simple tuck method at the top to make it quick to move on to the next step. Choose products with or without a hang hole depending on your store’s setup and attach price barcodes out of the way of the display.
The basic PVC boxes can be ordered through online vendors and shipped directly to your location or take it a step further and speak with customer representatives about customizing the size and printing. For bulk orders review the website for available discounts and account setup to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible for the company. This clear display container is one of the best ways to compliment your goods for customer review.