Packing Technology Explained
Packing refers to the preparation of an item for shipment or for storage. It is a great way to protect your valuables, and to get things safely from one point to another. Packing his been around for a very long time, it’s definitely not a New Concept. With the introduction of the internet, we’ve had to learn to ship more things than ever before. You can receive everything from clothing to small animals at your home, and everything in between. This has resulted in some extremely interesting Innovations within the packing industry. We’ve had to adapt a lot of our technology to accommodate different items, and different methods of travel. Many things are simply a new spin on some very old packing technology.
The first packaging materials were actually leaves or large fronds that were used by early hunters and gatherers to preserve berries or meats that they managed to come up with. Fortunately, we’ve come an extremely long way! Nobody wants to get their clothing wrapped in leaves in order to keep it safe! With the introduction of polymers and Plastics we were able to make huge strides in the packing industry. Prior to this, people had stuffed their valuables with paper in order to absorb some of the impact. This was effective in some ways, but didn’t provide nearly enough protection for shipping over long distances. At this point in time they were still using ocean liners, and these were not the sophisticated ones that we use today. Yes, over 90% of shipping is still done via the ocean, but we’ve learned to treat our Goods in a much Kinder and gentler way.
Packing products are now used in our homes on a daily basis. Not only are they used for shipping, they’re also used for the preservation of food, and for other household goods. How many of us have several of our winter blankets vacuum sealed and stuffed under our beds for seasonal use? These are the kind of products that we learn to take for granted. They are actual Modern Marvels of packing technology. Without these things, our world would be a very different place. You can now find things like an Impulse foot sealer or even bubble wrap to get things safely where they need to go. These are just a few of the products that you may find when perusing the internet:
Heat Guns
These can be used in conjunction with shrink wrap in order to tightly seal in Goods. Several layers of shrink wrap can be sealed on top of a product to provide a protective layer against everything from water to dust. Many heat guns are designed to be used around sensitive products, and are a fantastic way to seal and ship things.
Foot Sealer
This is a fantastic foot pedal operated product, that can allow you to use your hands to line up the edges that need to be sealed. Some foot sealers use heat from both the top and the bottom to provide the best seal possible. These can often be used in commercial Endeavors, or to seal things for seasonal use. This is a larger piece of equipment, and something that can definitely pay for itself in a very short time.
Bubble Wrap
Bubble wrap is a huge packing favorite. It utilizes individually enclosed pockets of air to cushion Goods as they are transported. Bubble Wrap is available in a huge variety of different sizes, and can be laid between products, or even stuffed into more sensitive materials. The bubbles actually absorb much of the shock of impact, keeping even the most fragile items safe.