Common Shrink Wrap Challenges and How to Avoid Them

Shrink wrapping is an easy process when you pay attention to key details. Read this article to learn more.
Shrink wrapping is a process that requires two main aspects for it to be successful; you need to have the right kind of wrapping material and of course heat. With the right kind of shrink wrap and a source of heat, you can pack your items. Given that there is no limit on the size of the items you can wrap, you will be able to easily wrap even the bulky items. However, there are also various challenges that come with the wrapping style. It is important to know such challenges when looking for shrink wrapping supplies. Here are some of the problems associated with shrink wrapping.
The Dog Ears
These are observed on the corners of the packaging. They are triangular in shape and while packaging you can see their protrusions at the corners. These triangular protrusions are common and they are caused by a number of factors.
Here are common ways of resolving the issue:
1.Adjust the heat of the shrink gun. Ensure the heat coming out of the gun is enough to wrap your package. Make sure it is also cool so that it cannot damage the package.
2.Check on the shrink tubing. Using a larger film will cause the dog ears to be seen on the corners of the goods. If possible, find a way of reducing the width of the film.
3.Avoid using films of low quality. When you use a low-quality film, it will bend at the corners when you heat the packaging.
4.Have a look at the shape and size of the packaging. If there are irregular shapes, it can cause dog ears when the item will be passed through heat.
Crow’s Feet
They are similar to the dog ears. They are basically the wrinkles found on the corners of the packaging. If you solve the problems of the dog ears, you will also solve the issue of the crow’s feet.
The problem occurs when you use excess film at the corners of the packaging. The best way of resolving the issue is by using a small film.
Failing to heat the packaging can also cause the issue. Always ensure the heating element is producing enough heat which will be used to heat the shrink film in a uniform manner. If you are carrying out the shrinking manually or using the gun, run it across the area twice or more to resolve the issue.
Fish Eyes
They are oval patterns formed when you fail to shrink the packaging properly. They are worse than the dog ears and they can make your product to look unprofessional. The main cause of this problem is the lack of heat. Ensure you have adequate air to heat the products.
It can also be caused by the poor flow of air. If the source of heat is not producing adequate heat, the wrap will not be complete causing the oval patterns.
The existence of the perforations can also cause the issue. Lower the speed of the conveyors to get rid of this effect and make sure there is maximum utilization of the heat.
Using shrink wrapping supplies appropriately is important for good packaging.